Un video publicado en #Twitter por Cristian Crespo evidencia las dos caras de una misma moneda: la ensoñación de visitantes que buscan placeres a bajo costo y la realidad ineludible de millones de cubanos, huérfanos de #democracia . “Desde las alturas, el hambre ajena sabe mejor”, ironiza Crespo sobre “la ciudad de los tanques azules”. Video: @cristiancrespoj
What's your definition of #home ? 🏡
The newly-opened @staybridgesuiteslusail hosted yours truly recently for an exclusive one-night stay and I was in cloud nine to discover that finally, a mainstream #hotel chain in the heart of #Doha has come up with such a #homey concept!
I won't be going into details as I'm sure that most of their amenities are top-notch considering that it's located in #Lusail , the #residential capital of #Qatar .
What I loved most from the overall experience, besides the truly welcoming feeling as if I'm actually home, were the hotel's several unique features including a mini convenience store located in their lobby (fifth pic), a personalized bathrobe which they freshly stitched just for me (fourth pic), and a #DIY#breakfast that automatically comes with every #room that you book (second pic)!
I was also lucky to have a word with the ever-accommodating general manager Ms. @sohazahar and she shared that the hotel's unique concept is really intended for people who values their solitude and #privacy while also not forgetting to mingle with other guests as they have #social gatherings happening at the #kitchen every #weekend .
When I heard her say that, I wanted to check in for another night! 😬😬😬 I mean, who doesn't want to become #besties with their hotel neighbours, right? My #boardgames are ready!!
There are over 200 #StayBridgeSuites hotels open in the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and South America. Lusail is their maiden branch in the country and some of their nearby expansions include the likes of Abu Dhabi, Jeddah, and #Beirut --which I am hoping to visit very very soon!!
With StayBridge Suites Lusail Doha, the longer you stay, the less you pay! You'll know how it works when you book a #bed and breakfast combo with them now at www.staybridge.com!
Welcome to your new home!!
🇶🇦 #MartianLandsOnEarth#VeryWellFled#WelcomeHome#staycation#fun#relax#portrait#DohaBloggers#food#spa#photography
Where would we without our moms? Let us worry about the cooking this Mother's Day, join us at The Crescent Club for brunch!
Please call 214.871.4343 for reservations.
Photo: @realtortrang
2 87 hours ago
Singing Bowl Ritual at one of the hotels in Singapore. Guess where.
Wiken begini enaknya gegoleran di pinggir kolam renang seperti ini. .
Sambil menghirup udara segar dari kolam...bakal lupa deh segalanya, lupa beban hidup, bahkan lupa sama mantan yg sudah menyakiti kamu.
Yuk, ah liburan di hotel.
. #hotel#hoteldibintan#hotelreview#hotelreviewer
Seat Akad Nikah di Ruangan
Yg Tdk Luas...... Decorasi Backdrop dominasi daun hijau ditambah ornamen bunga warnah putih
Di hiasi cermin kaca yg dipasang terpencar.
Venue Hotel Amaris Hertasning Makassar
Hari Minggu 28 April 2019 @amarishotels @supri_yant0 @weddingmakassar
Thank you @jazzganteng & @wikaharahap for chosing Raz Hotel as trusted venue in your adorable wedding celebration. May you both live happily ever after.
For more info and reservation :
Raz Hotel & Convention
Jl. Dr. Mansyur No. 168 Medan 20122, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
Phone : +62 61 8211 185
Anyone want to visit Brugge - Belgium?
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2泊目に泊まった #琵琶湖ホテル
Lake Biwako in Shiga , Japan .
いろんな部屋があってどれも魅力的だったんだけど、一番ベーシックな部屋がベッドの前が窓なの!!!!! 他の部屋はミニバーの飲み物とかも無料で良さげだったけど、寝ながら外が見れるって最高すぎてこの部屋に♡