Sculpture research:
I have been making small sculptures inspired by a seed pod found in Auroville. After having enough pieces to choose from will enlarge three of them and bisque fire them.
The process:
I cover the seed with tape to reaveal volumes. I then carve a block of clay to the seed shape. I work on the clay to harmonize the form. Then cut the clay to reveal the most dynamic part, which by further work becomes the final piece.
Loading this beauty for our Gallery. Finely selected, Royal Beige, marble for enhancing the living spaces. It’s characters, bright, deep, and subtle. An all inclusive tone for flooring
Ga terasa Lebaran sebentar lagi Bunda / Ayah, buat Bunda / Ayah yang ingin memperindah rumahnya di Hari Lebaran gak usah bingung...
Banyak motif - motif lukisan yang bisa memperindah dan mempercantik rumah ayah / bunda semua...
Bisa request size & motif juga 🍃 hanya di @kaligrafilovers
> Menggunakan media kanvas dan cat lukis Acrylic
> Dilukis manual menggunakan tangan dan kuas
> Dilukis oleh tangan kreatif pelukis Bali
> Mudah dipasang di dinding, karena dikirim sekalian dengan rangka kayunya
> PO 2-5 hari, Jika ada stock langsung kirim tanpa PO
> Garansi uang kembali apabila tidak sesuai dengan pesanan
> Packing Aman...
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Эксклюзивный проект квартиры от студии Home Design будто создан для тех, кто обладает исключительным чувством стиля. Квартира выполнена в монохромных тонах, с использованием контрастных элементов и эксклюзивных предметов мебели, созданных студией.
Стол Кондор, созданный дизайнерами студии, прекрасно дополняет пространство, а эффектный лиловый диван за счет своего цвета и фактуры сразу придает квартире ощущение тепла и уюта.
Панорамные окна, камин и светильники в индустриальном стиле добавляют интерьеру элемент лофтовости, но, однако, это современный стиль, с использованием лучших дизайнерских приемов из разных направлений.
You can give your home an awesome and elegant design with beautiful 3d wallpaper and wall panels.
We offer the best professional wallpaper and wallpanel installation service to our esteemed clients at affordable rates.
Distance is not a barrier. Kindly contact us and let's transform your home to paradise.
Loving my new chest of drawers from @topfurnitureuk. I was lucky enough to win the Toulouse white painted Chest of Drawers on their Instagram competition. Thank you so much. The service was fantastic too. Great company and stunning, well made furniture.
You can give your home an awesome and elegant design with beautiful 3d wallpaper and wall panels.
We offer the best professional wallpaper and wallpanel installation service to our esteemed clients at affordable rates.
Distance is not a barrier. Kindly contact us and let's transform your home to paradise.
⭐️Customer Photo⭐️.
Delivered yesterday THE CURVED HEADBOARD BED
This stunning curved headboard bed is defiantly the focal point of this bedroom.
Direct message our design team who are on hand to help design your perfect sofa or bed call Tel: 0800 133 7412
The most common phrase you hear from clients is “I can just imagine what your house looks like!”. First of all, I don’t own a house. Damn. Second of all, even if I did own a house, trust me, I wouldn’t be able to make one single decision about what I’d want. I’d almost go as far as saying I’d have to let my partner make decisions (…I might regret that later). So, here are a few of my favourite kitchen concept images, all of which I love love love. Don’t ask me which one I love most though, I refuse to answer that question.
“ Don’t ask don’t tell “ .
10 ft x 6 ft .
Enamel on foamboard 2010.
This is the largest painting I’ve ever made. The painting depicts the famous photograph of the landing of Normandy but the soldiers uniforms have been replaced with bikinis . In 2010 Obama signed a bill allowing gays in the military which would allow all gay people to be able to go to war in foreign countries for corporations and corrupt politicians. The government used a tactic called reverse psychology to trick gay people into signing up for the military so they would go kill innocent civilians for GOD aka gold , oil , and drugs .
"You can't jump straight to the end, the journey is the best part" ~ Robin HIMYM
Yang gak asing dengan quote ini, pasti tau kalo ini salah satu quote dari serial How I Met Your Mother 😉
Quote ini kita jadikan dekor di backyard kita, karena HIMYM ini adalah salah satu serial TV paling favorit yang pernah kita tonton. Serial yang buodohhh, tapi juga banyak life lessons yang bisa diambil. Sampe hari ini, kayanya kita udh ngulang 4x nonton keseluruhan 9 season nya, tapi tiap kali nonton tiap kali ada hal baru yang relevan sama real life kita saat itu 😉
Yep, skarang ini lagi nonton untuk yang ke-5x nya.. hahaha 😁