New Artwork: “Knowledge Reigns”
30 different news & tabloid headlines that represent our society, the dangers, and the ridiculousness of it at times. The microphone is the power to speak that we all possess, whether it be truth, propaganda, or lies. The Knowledge is what allows you to know the ledge of each so you don’t cross over. So before you speak ask yourself if it is necessary, true, and does it improve upon the silence.
Such a good day throwing off my equilibrium on every rollercoaster.
2 1741 hour ago
Welp, RIP diet. (Yes that is pancakes and bacon on a cupcake. Yes it was buttery. Yes it was delicious. Still drooling.) @cakedupcafe 😍😍
Happy we were able to stop by on the last day of their pop up to snag these bacon and pancake cupcakes
18 2112 hours ago
Pausa de 5 segundos pra fingir que não tava -0929 graus e morrendo de frio hehe 🤙🏼💙🥶 #nyc#ny