If you've gone past the ultra thin brows.....this is the face of someone who's recognized the Power of Yet
This is anyone....adult or child....who has delved into re-evaluating their capabilities
That's the look you get, the knowledge that all is not lost and there's still more grit in you than you knew of
That's what the Power of Yet does....taken from a simple educational concept that encourages the growth mindset, this simple word really has the power to change how we perceive ourselves and what we are capable of
We hear kids of all ages saying 'I can't do this!'
But when you add .....'yet' to it, the internalised effect changes
'You can't do this... yet'
Simple magic
Try it out with your kids, your nephews and nieces, your parosi/neighborhood kids......yourself even....and watch it happen
Who knew a simple word could so simply drop the 't' in can't
Who knew you'd be creating your own paradigm shift
This will forever be my favorite photo.
Posted this yesterday on my story, but it’s too good not to get its own post 😂
1 12 minutes ago
I almost quit foster care this week. I let myself succumb to the depression and the unfairness of it all. I forgot to trust the journey. I forgot to trust the Lord. I let it all be too much because in all honesty, without my faith, it is too much. I have gone back and forth everyday, questioning and grieving and wondering... this morning as I shared my morning coffee with three kids screaming and running and giggling, swan diving into my perfectly karate chopped pillows I looked down and saw this. The simple reminder of why I didn’t quit. They need us in this time - they are bigger than us. They are bigger than me. .
. #fostercare#fostermama#motherhoodrising#thesemomentsofmine#letthembelittle#fostering#gettooattached
🙌 STICKERS! 😍 One of my most favorite fine motor supplies that everyone loves! 🏃Run to your nearest Michaels store because they had these for $0.47 each 😱 They were in the clearance section with the Easter things. I got a whole bunch for next year and they had lots of summer themed ones, too. Oh, and I also went to 🎯 and the Dollar Spot was 70%, so I got some spring stickers there for $0.30 each! How many stickers is too many stickers? Asking for a friend 😂
These two girlies have a special story. Both rainbow babies, born 3 days apart. One bio & one adopted. Pepper & Everly. One of my best friends daughters. It’s been so fun watching these two grow & getting to snap pics of them together. @kacytucker
So tired but so happy! 😴☺️ Excuse the mess - we’re deep in that sleep-deprived / everything-is-covered-in-spit-up life over here. But also the milky-smiles / newborn-snuggles / fall-asleep-in-my-arms life too! The best. And also the tiredest. ❤️
⚾️ Season #2 is underway! ⚾️
It’s no secret that kids grow up fast, but man, seeing the difference a year has made in this kid’s maturity, confidence, and sense of team, is pretty cool. He runs onto the field at the direction of the coach, and doesn’t need me to coax him along anymore. He strides up to the tee like he’s #chrisdavis . And while we still have to work on how he’s supposed to run to 1st base instead of 3rd after hitting the ball, he cranked that ball out of the infield! #proudmommy#orioles#teeball#outsideisthebestside#boymom#teachthemteamwork#letthembelittle#buildthemup
We have blest with the opportunity to be @fableandroo#brandreps ! (Especially as a Texas girl, I’m feeling very very star struck to be apart of group of these lovely European Mama reps! They are the sweetest and have the best stories and don’t mind that I say “y’all!” 😉) 🌿
This small shop was created by a Mama and her sweet babe, running the world one necklace at a time. Each piece is focused on an iconic women contributing to our society, both modern and from the past. The mix of historical and modern ladies makes my ♥️ swell! (But there are so many color combos! It’s a great unisex teether!)🌿 This shop is located in South Whales (yes, across the pond) but y’all, the shipping to the states is not expensive AT. ALL. The turn around time to receive the package was less than a week! 🌿
Each post comes wrapped with adorable packaging plus a postcard with unique illustration with a description of a strong woman that made a contribution to our world. Eloise loves her “Marie” necklace and we have a little discount for you! @fableandroo is restocking their summer collection (includes heroines from novels, and media) on Tuesday! (Don’t worry, I’ll remind you again!) Go check out the shop, look at the swoon over the summer collection , and grab yourself a beaded “mama” ring. Eloise took to our necklace so easily, and she is not an easy teether. Give her a follow! 🌿
Finally had a semi decent photo with the birthday boy and doting mama C! Though you may also find the cutest #photobomber ever 😅😍😂
3 714 minutes ago
Our trip to Puerto Rico has been nothing short of beautiful, fun, and frankly just amazing. Our son couldn’t stop smiling, and thanking us for bringing him to this beautiful island. It warmed our hearts, and validated how one moment, person, animal, or place can impact a child. We have beautiful memories from our getaway in PR, and no trip would ever be complete without our kids. Happy Sunday everyone.😘
Eilen kesken kuvien räpsimisen paha mieli yllätti, kun ei saanut repiä äidin pompulaa pois päästä. Pienelle ihmiselle kaikki on uutta ja ihmeellistä. On vielä kovin vaikea ymmärtää, miksi jotain saa tehdä ja jotain ei. Kyllähän se harmittaa itseäkin jos jotain kovasti haluaisi ja sitä ei saa. Eihän ne pettymykset kivoja ole kenestäkään. Lapsen niitä on vielä vaikeampi ymmärtää. Ne on kuitenkin osa elämää, kaikki meistä niitä kohtaa elämänsä aikana. Sen takia musta onkin tärkeää opettaa lapsille keinoja käsitellä pettymyksiä ja niitä tunteita, mitä ne aiheuttaa.
Meillä puhutaan paljon tunteista, sanoitetaan ja näytetään niitä. Meillä nauretaan, itketään ja kiukutellaan. Kaikki tunteet on meillä sallittuja, mutta ketään ei saa haukkua tai satuttaa, vaikka kuinka kiukuttaisi. Me opetellaan yhdessä lasten kanssa tunnistamaan, miltä missäkin tilanteessa tuntuu ja käsittelemään sitä tunnetta. Meillä halataan, silitetään ja sylitellään. Kun kiukuttaa tai on paha mieli, meillä tarjotaan aina syliä, lohdutetaan ja jutellaan. Meillä sanotaan, että saa harmittaa. Saa itkettää. Saa kiukuttaa. Koska niinhän se on. Kaikkia kiukuttaa joskus, kaikkia itkettää joskus.
Syli antaa lohtua ja turvaa, se rauhoittaa. Kun lapsi on vihainen, surullinen tai harmissaan, se on monesti lapselle hämmentävää. Sylissä on turvallista tutkia niitä omia tunteitaan. Rehellisesti, edelleen kohta 25-vuotiaana, kun mua oikein kiukuttaa tai harmittaa, niin kyllä Mikon kainalo auttaa kaikista parhaiten. Se viestittää, että kaikki on kuitenkin hyvin. On ihan okei, että nyt tuntuu tältä. Eikä niiden tunteiden kanssa tarvitse olla yksin. Sitä samaa syli viestittää lapselle.
Kovasti toivon myös Leon oppivan tämän kaiken. Toivon hänen oppivan, että kaikki tunteet ovat osa elämää. Toivon hänen tietävän, että kun hän opettelee ja tutkii tunteitaan, syli on aina saatavilla. Toivon hänen muistavan, että koskaan ei tarvitse olla yksin, vaan äiti on aina tässä, pussaamassa pahan mielen pois. 🖤
Ihanaa sunnuntai-iltaa! Millaisia ajatuksia tää aihe sussa herättää?😘
After a series of busy mornings helping my mother-in-law move into her new home, we’re loving having a slower morning before church.
Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you’re taking some time to rest.
1 418 minutes ago
Oh my sweet girl. How I love you so!! I heard a term the other day that I had never heard before and it fits my little minnow to a T! "Threenager." Didnt know this was even a thing, but man, that is who she is!!! She is only 3, but it seems she has raging hormones of a teenager at times with her personality changes! One of the prints on her gallery wall is from Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart." I have always wanted this for my boys, but I feel this even more with her. This world is such a cruel place and it amazes me how quickly she picks up on things this early. It seems she gravitates towards the negative so much easier. For example, when watching Frozen, the first thing she picked up was how to point and say get out of her bedroom. She said, "But mama, this is was Elsa does." She has only been on this earth three years...three, that is it and she knows way more than I want her to. I want to keep her innocent and naive as long as possible about this world that seems to teach are young ones way too young. I see this at school as well. Kids are exposed to way more things today. My answer to this....media, internet and phones. They are too worldly and their little brains don't know how to handle certain things. Our children's brain development hasn't changed or started earlier, it is our world that is trying to speed them up. This is a problem and cause many problems for our children. I don't want this for my children or any of the children that I work with. We, mamas and daddys need to fight more than ever to keep our children little. One thing we can do is limit the internet, movies, videos, and videos games that are not intended for children to view. Get parental controls on all devices. Finally, be an example with your words and actions. Be who you want your children to be. Of course, we all mess up at times and fall short. The key here is to talk with your children about your actions when you mess up and tell them you were wrong. This small action will teach our children so much. Let's let them be little so that when they are big they positively make an impact in this world!! @target@hobbylobby
If your heart were planted, what would it grow? We (dad mostly) planted our flowers and tree that we intended for Earth day yesterday evening. Making this a definite better late than never kind of post! How in the 🌎 did I get lucky enough to be this blessed?! A happy life, falling more and more in love with our little family on the daily, that’s what my heart would grow 🌿 #thesearethedays
2 5026 April, 2019
Get your girl summer ready with our new collection launching online May 1st. You can pre/order through me on April 30th. Don’t wait these swim suits will go quick! Link to shop in bio. Facebook live event on my buisness page April 30th at 10am EST #wildflowersclothing#letthembelittle
friends, and all alike, this is a sappy but heartfelt post
When I approach people about Wildflowers, I tell them it’s a clothing line dedicated to keeping our girls youthful, happy, and free.
I often refer back to the memory of when I first heard this. I tell them about Sam McDonald and how she is such a burst of energy. I tell them how you can see her personality all over the clothing designs. That’s what makes them unique and beautiful. I go on to talk about how she is continuing Denise Demarchis’ legacy; Not to mention the amazing team dedicated to making sure everything produced is top quality. From the designs, the fabrics, the details etc.
I talk about how this company has touched my heart. It has has given me an opportunity to spread love, inspire our young girls, and brought me back to the good ‘ol days where making new friends and sharing with old ones meant just getting together chatting it up about memories, planning, and sometimes venting. Most of the time we were cracking jokes and laughing so hard we would cry.
Except this time we are all kinda grown up so now we just vent and sometimes cry about adulting. Nevertheless, Lots of laughs and memories still made. We talk about our kids fighting us over clothes they want to wear or trying to figure out how to help our kids become more self confident in this tough world. These clothes, as silly as it sounds, have connected me with friends old and new. It has helped me nurture some of my closest friendships to date. It has helped my daughter nurture her friendships as well. Bringing her with me helps me show her entrepreneurialship. It helps me be a role model to her. Being a consultant with Wildflowers is much more than just selling cute girls clothing to me. It’s about planting seeds and nurturing blossoming relationships.
My hope is to help those seeds grow and share the love with others, so that they too can’t plant their own seeds to grow.For those who have ordered this season, you have helped contribute toward the seeds of hope program. This season every order placed will help people get fresh water in areas where it was not possible without @charitywater #wildflowersclothing#letthembelittle
Happiest of birthdays to my adventurous, free spirited, silly little love. We are having an amazing weekend celebrating with friends and family. This beautiful image taken by the talented @kateecoo and edited by me. 🌷
As per usual, Virginia weather has been thrown off the spring/summer route and it has been pretty chilly in the morning! But my mind is ready for the summer so the @harneyteas Indigo Punch fruit blend with Butterfly Pea flower has been the perfect morning drink! Warm, yet fruity and absolutely delicious! But I’m all about appearances, this team starts out being a turquoise color slowly turning into the most beautiful purple! And the smell?!? Well you just have to get it to see what I mean! #harneyteatribe .
Do you like hot tea? If so what’s your favorite flavor?
8 3141 hour ago
the one who made me a mama 💫 love love love when she asks me to hold her like a baby * followed by asking me to spin her around over and over again 🤪