🚨 A new report from @ipbes_ warns: Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history — and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely.
⚠ 1,000,000 species are threatened with extinction, many within decades.🔺Transformative changes are needed to restore and protect nature.
Thousands of people around the world have been taking part in @ExtinctionRebellion's international "climate rebellion" week. Organisers say demonstrations were planned in 33 countries. In the UK, the movement has been criticised for being too white and privileged, but it has also drawn support in huge numbers, with 30,000 new backers or volunteers having offered their support to the environmental activist group since the week of action began. Here, activists from around the world tell us why they have taken part.
Story: @jessie__mac
1,065 179,9323 May, 2019
Historically, the shoreline of Saint Lawrence Island is sheathed in sea ice that forms throughout the winter and melts in the summer, but the sea ice never formed completely in the winter and spring of 2018-2019, due to the warming climate. ▫️ This has created new challenges for the Yup’ik people, for whom subsistence hunting is a primary source of food and identity. The Yup'ik have been hunting and fishing the Bering Sea for thousands of years, with walrus being a staple of their diet. The walrus herds were decimated by whalers in the 1800s, but have since rebounded, only now they are newly threatened by the retreating sea ice, and the hunting season for walrus has grown shorter as well.
▫️ Photographer @kiliiiyuyan traveled to Saint Lawrence Island last spring to work with indigenous youth on an art therapy project to address suicide in their community. Follow the link in our bio to read more about his work in this remote community. ▫️ Photo: @kiliiiyuyan#yupik#subsistencehunting#climatechange#Alaska#masksofgriefandjoy
The @weatherchannel is using immersive, green screen technology to imagine a future devastated by climate change. Learn more about immersive tech by clicking the link in our bio 🔗
1,625 201,03830 April, 2019
#Regram#RG@sealegacy: Photo by @daisygilardini //The harp seal fur industry has declined drastically in the last 15 years, thanks to conservation campaigns around the world and income from sealing generated in Canada is at its lowest level since records have been kept. Thirty-five countries, including Russia, have enacted a ban on imported seal products. However, the Canadian government still supports the hunt for cultural and economic reasons in coastal communities.
3,970 810,57728 April, 2019
Fisherman Samwu Ndaye is a volunteer who every morning combs the beach of Ngor, a 400-year-old village on Africa's western most tip in the Senegalese capital #Dakar , to clean up the plastic waste that builds up there.
Single-use plastic products of every kind litter the villages along Senegal's coastline along with other waste that gets washed up on the beach. ‘If we don't clean it, no one will,’ said Ndaye, who is one of a growing number of volunteers who dedicate their time to cleaning up what has rapidly become a modern scourge.
The waters around Dakar are heavily polluted with plastic and ‘more arrives each day,’ according to the fisherman. The rapid growth of the West African country's population, especially in larger cities like Dakar, has led to a hike in the production of household waste.
Photo by Nic Bothma/ @epaphotos
We've been nominated for a Webby Award, follow the link in our bio to vote for us
2,206 397,63627 April, 2019
The Waorani people have won a legal victory to protect 1/2 million acres of rainforest from oil drilling and set a historic precedent for indigenous rights. Let's ramp up the pressure to permanently protect this land. Link in bio to send a message to the Ecuadorian government. @amazonfrontlines#waoraniresistance
4,940 542,59026 April, 2019
The Waorani people are one day away from saving half-a-million acres of forest from oil drilling and they need our support. Link in bio to send a message to the Ecuadorian government: respect indigenous rights and protect the Amazon. @amazonfrontlines#WaoraniResistance#WeLoveTheEarth
1,614 184,75625 April, 2019
It’s “break-up” season in Alaska — the end of safe travel on ice. This year, break-up has come too soon, creating new, sometimes deadly hazards and a host of practical problems. Alaskans depend on hard-frozen winters for transportation, and people traveling on frozen rivers by ATV or snowmobile are falling through; some have died. “The river is our highway,” said Mark Leary, who’s part of a team that builds an ice road each winter. “It’s everything to us.” But climate change is warming #Alaska faster than any other state. Visit the link in our profile to read more. @fremson shot this photo.
Actor and Environmentalist